
The Anwiankwanta church was established in 1970. The pastors and leadership of the mission worked together to build this church, volunteering their time and energy to bricklaying and roofing. Since then, the church has continued to flourish and grow. This church’s location at the center of a community allows it to reach beyond its walls to love neighbors and share the gospel of Christ. 

Most Pressing Needs for This Church: The church needs to complete the building by finishing the ceilings, installing wirings, and adding doors. They would also like to build or add something to create a safe space for the many children who participate in Sunday School.

  • Established: 1970

  • Pastor: George Mensah


George Mensah

Pastor George Mensah has been pastoring the church at Anwiankwanta for five years. He is a kind and encouraging pastor who cares for the needs of the church with a gentle faithfulness that testifies continually to the love of Christ Jesus.